Iniziano la loro carriera, nel 2005, come gruppo di riproposizione dei canti della tradizione salentina, in cui spicca la pizzica come danza regina, ma ben presto affiancano a questo filone, quello delle loro produzioni originali. La filosofia di tutti i progetti dei Khaossia è quella di partire dalla storia, cultura e tradizione del Salento per esplorare mondi sonori antichi e moderni, vicini e lontani, cercando, nella sperimentazione musicale, un veicolo adeguato a dar luce a pagine dimenticate e impolverate della storia salentina.
I Khaossia hanno avuto sempre un positivo riscontro della critica per l’originalità delle produzioni. Sono stati recensiti tra gli altri da Froots, Folkbulletin, Songlines, Radio Popolare, Radio Onda d’Urto, Radio Rai 3 Suite, Radio Rai1, WFMA, FEBC.
Nei dieci anni di vita l’ethno ensemble vanta un’intensa attività concertistica sia in Italia (tra cui: Notte della Taranta (2005); Teatro Ponchielli di Cremona (2006); Appennino Folk Festival (2007); Isola Folk (2007); Festival del Cambonino (2007,2008,2009); Festival Folk Di Cremona (2010); Fek Festival (2010); V Rassegna di Musica Popolare di Settimo Milanese (2012), 27° e 28° Festival Internazionale W.A. Mozart (2014 e 2015)), sia internazionale (Jelsa (2005); Parigi (2006, 2015, 2016, 2017); Marsiglia (2008); Gugginsberg (2008); Philadelphia (2010, 2012 e 2013); New York (2010, 2012 e 2013); New Jersey (2010, 2012 e 2013); San Diego (2013) Salonicco (2013, 2014, 2016); Manila (2014) Londra (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), Praga (2015, 2016, 2017), Boskovice (2016), Madrid (2016, 2017), Ioannina (2016), Bar, Montenegro (2016), Berlino (2017).
Nel 2007 pubblicano il loro primo cd De Migratione su etichetta CPC e nel 2009 compongono e registrano la musica per l’opera buffa settecentesca in lingua leccese La rassa a bute della quale si conserva solo il testo.
Nel 2010 i Khaossia, durante la tournèe organizzata dal Consolato Generale d’Italia di Philadelphia, si sono esibiti nell’Auditorium della High School Fiorello La Guardia, a New York. A Filadelfia sono stati ospiti del Philadelphia Museum of Art, presentati dal Console Generale d’Italia, hanno tenuto concerti a Norristown nel New Jersey e ad Horsham. I Khaossia hanno inoltre tenuto un concerto per gli studenti al Wynn Common della University of Pennsylvania e all’America Italy Society di Filadelfia.
Nel 2011 iniziano la produzione del cd Le Grechesche che concludono e pubblicano nel 2012 per la CNI, con il finanziamento dell’Università del Salento. Invitati dal Consolato Generale d’Italia di Philadelphia e sostenuti dalla Regione Puglia (Puglia Sound) e dalla Regione Lombardia partono per la seconda tournée negli USA suonando tra New York e Philadelphia. Presentano il cd Le Grechesche alla Saint Joseph’s University e in altre prestigiose location riscuotendo ovunque interesse e riconoscimenti. Nel 2013 esce il loro quarto lavoro discografico, EOS, un progetto dedicato alla storia della salentina Giulia My e del pittore rumeno Zivi Miller, ebreo scampato ai campi di concentramento nazista, che passò la sua riabilitazione nel Salento, a Santa Maria al Bagno. EOS fonde musica, teatro e videoart. L’opera è stata eseguita in prima mondiale nel 2013, in occasione della quarta tournée americana del gruppo, per il San Diego Italian Film Festival, in California, successivamente eseguita per la Seton Hall University del New Jersey e per la Saint Joseph’s University di Filadelfia.
Nell’agosto del 2013 sono invitati dall’Università Aristotele di Salonicco a tenere una lezione-concerto presso il Campus Estivo EMUNI 2013 sul tema “La musica e il mare: un viaggio interculturale nel XVI secolo tra l’Italia e la Grecia”.
Nel 2014 aprono il Festival Internazionale W.A. Mozart di Rovereto, dove ritornano a grande richiesta nel 2015.
Nel 2014 tornano all’Università di Salonicco per tenere una lezione agli studenti aderenti al Programma Transuniversitario EMUNI dal titolo: “Progetto Magellano: genesi di uno spettacolo ispirato alla “Relazione del Primo Viaggio Intorno al Mondo” di Antonio Pigafetta, cavaliere di Rodi”.
Con il sostegno di Puglia Sounds e della Regione Puglia, partono in tour per le Filippine, suonando per il Philippine International Jazz Festival e per l‘International Guitar Festival.
Il 2015 si apre con il tour europeo che tocca importanti club a Londra, Praga e Berlino. Vengono invitati a rappresentare la Rassa a Bute (in forma concerto) nell’International Arts Festival di Copertino (LE).
Da gennaio a maggio 2016 i Khaossia sono impegnati nel tour europeo toccando club e festival delle maggiori capitali.
In ottobre 2016 vengono invitati dal Patriarcato Ortodosso di Bar (Montenegro) a inaugurare la nuova cattedrale in occasione del millenario del martirio di San Vladmir.
A novembre 2016 i Khaossia partono, sponsorizzati dalla Regione Puglia in qualità di vincitori del Puglia Sounds Export 2016, per il Magellano European Tour con la nuova opera Magellano – Diario dell’Inquietudine, toccando Madrid (Scuola Italiana a Madrid), Parigi (Au Petit Théâtre du Bonheur), Londra (Bedroom Bar), Salonicco e Ioannina (Teatro Comunale di Ioannina).
Nel 2017 continuano il tour per le maggiori capitali e città europee. Nel giugno 2017, in collaborazione con l’associazione En Madrid otra Italia, sono il gruppo della manifestazione Passione Italia 2017 organizzata dalla Camera di Commercio Italiana a Madrid e dall’Ambasciata Italiana a Madrid.
Nel 2018 pubblicano il quinto CD, su etichetta CPC, Magellano e vincono nuovamente il bando di Puglia Sounds Export 2018 per la tournee europea di novembre.
Il gruppo
I Khaossia sono guidati dal flautista salentino Luca Congedo, dall’organettista e dal compositore Fabio Turchetti, e dal visual artist Hermes Mangialardo, che rappresentano il gruppo storico.
Luca Congedo: Flauto traverso, flauto dolce, tin whistle e altri flauti etnici
Fabio Turchetti: Organetto diatonico, compositore, arrangiatore
Hermes Mangialardo, animation designer e videomaker.
Vincenzo Urso, voce e tamburi a cornice
Giancarlo Picci, attore
I musicisti che collaborano e hanno collaborato con i Khaossia sono:
Clio Mallin e Giorgio Galanti, USA promoter
Giorgio Galanti, voce recitante e promoter
Maurizio Corda, chitarra
Domenico Gigante, violino
Max Però, organetto e voce
Chiara Dell’Anna, tamburi a cornice
Camilla Barbarito, voce (Progetto EOS)
Stefano Torre, voce, tamburi, lauto. (Progetto Grechesche & Live)
Viviana Calabrese, voce e tamburi a cornice (Progetto De Migratione, Rassa a Bute & Live)
Vito de Lorenzi, tamburi a cornice
Filippo Renna, voce e tamburi a cornice
Doris De Nicola, voce e tamburi a cornice
Fabio Calzia, organetto
Gianfranco Rongo, organetti
Pietro Triolo, voce e tamburi a cornice
Christian Guidetti, voce e tamburi a cornice
Sonia Rossett, voce e tamburi a cornice
Pier Paolo Del Prete, violino
Mauro Durante, tamburi a cornice[:en]Khaossia started their career in 2005 wanting to promote Salento’s traditional music, with pizzica at its core. Soon the band moved to produce original pieces. The philosophy behind all of Khaossia’s projects is to begin with Salento’s history, culture and tradition to explore sounds that are old and new, near and far. Through this musical exploration, Khaossia looks for a suitable vehicle to bring back to light dusty and forgotten pages of Salento’s history.
Khaossia has always enjoyed critical acclaim for their efforts to bring back and give a new interpretation to Salento’s history and tradition. Their work as been reviewed, amongst others, by Froots, Folkbulletin, Songlines, Radio Popolare, Radio Onda d’Urto, Radio Rai 3 Suite, Radio Rai1, WFMA, FEBC.
In its 10 years, the ethno ensemble has performed widely both in Italy (La Notte della Taranta 2005; Ponchielli Theatre in Cremona 2006; Appennino Folk Festival 2007, Isola Folk 2007; Festival del Cambonino 2007,2008,2009; Festival Folk Di Cremona, 2010; Fek Festival 2010; V Rassegna di Musica Popolare di Settimo Milanese, 2012; 27° e 28° Festival Internazionale W.A. Mozart, 2014 e 2015; International Festival of Arts, 2015) and abroad (Jelsa 2005; Paris 2006, 2015 & 2016; Babel Med Music in Marseilles 2008; Gugghinsberg 2008; Philadelphia 2010, 2012 e 2013; New York 2010, 2012 e 2013; New Jersey 2010, 2012 e 2013; San Diego 2013; Salonicco 2013; Manila 2014; Londra 2014, 2015, 2016; Praga 2015, 2016; Madrid 2016). In 2007 they published their first CD “De Migratione” on CPC label. In 2009, under the same label, they published “La rassa a bute”, a musical drama from the early 8th century written by an anonymous author in the dialect of Lecce. The original musical script was lost, so Khaossia composed and recorded original music for it.
In 2010, Khaossia completed their first tour of the USA on the invitation of the General Consulate of Italy in Philadelphia, playing at the prestigious Art Museum of Philadelphia and at the “Fiorello Laguardia” Art School in New York, amongst others.
In 2011, Khaossia began the production of “Le Grechesche”, which was published in 2012 for the University of Salento, CNI and CPC. Invited by the General Consulate of Italy in Philadelphia and sponsored by the Puglia and Lombardy Regional Councils as well as the University of Salento, they toured the US again in April and October 2012, performing in New York and Philadelphia. They performed their new material at the famous Saint Joseph University and other prestigious locations, enjoying a great amount of interest and recognition everywhere.
In 2013, they released their fourth album, EOS, a project based on the story of Salento’s girl Giulia My and the Romanian painter Zivi Miller, a Jew who survived the Nazi concentration camps and spent his rehabilitation in the Salento seaside town of Santa Maria al Bagno. Here he left his murals, which tell his story. The project brings together music, theatre and videoart. The show was premiered in 2013, during Khaossia’s fourth tour of the US, at the San Diego’s Italian Film Festival in California. Eos was subsequently performed at the Seton Hall University in New Jersey and the Saint Joseph University in Philadelphia.
In August 2013, Khaossia were invited by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to deliver a lecture/concert on the subject of “Sea and Music: an intercultural journey across 16th century Italy and Greece”.
In 2014, they opened the prestigious international festival W.A. Mozart of Rovereto, temple of European classical music. Following their success, they return in 2015.
2014 sees them back in Thessaloniki to deliver a lecture to EMUNI students on the subject of: “Project Magellano: genesis of a show inspired by the Report of the first journey around the world by Antonio Pigafetta, knight of Rhodes”.
Thanks to the support of Puglia Sounds and Puglia Region, they tour the Philippines, performing at the prestigious Philippine International Jazz Festival and International Guitar Festival.
Luca Congedo, flute, recorder, tin – whistle and more…
Fabio Turchetti, accordion, composer, singer/songwriter
Vincenzo Urso, voice, tambourine, bouzouki
Giancarlo Picci, actor
Hermes Mangialardo, videomaker & animation designer
Giorgio Galanti, narrator & manager
Mirko Rauso, tambourine
Clio Mallin, manager USA, promoter, dancer
Maurizio Corda, voice and guitar[:fr]Khaossia started their career in 2005 wanting to promote Salento’s traditional music, with pizzica at its core. Soon the band moved to produce original pieces. The philosophy behind all of Khaossia’s projects is to begin with Salento’s history, culture and tradition to explore sounds that are old and new, near and far. Through this musical exploration, Khaossia looks for a suitable vehicle to bring back to light dusty and forgotten pages of Salento’s history.
Khaossia has always enjoyed critical acclaim for their efforts to bring back and give a new interpretation to Salento’s history and tradition. Their work as been reviewed, amongst others, by Froots, Folkbulletin, Songlines, Radio Popolare, Radio Onda d’Urto, Radio Rai 3 Suite, Radio Rai1, WFMA, FEBC.
In its 10 years, the ethno ensemble has performed widely both in Italy (La Notte della Taranta 2005; Ponchielli Theatre in Cremona 2006; Appennino Folk Festival 2007, Isola Folk 2007; Festival del Cambonino 2007,2008,2009; Festival Folk Di Cremona, 2010; Fek Festival 2010; V Rassegna di Musica Popolare di Settimo Milanese, 2012; 27° e 28° Festival Internazionale W.A. Mozart, 2014 e 2015; International Festival of Arts, 2015) and abroad (Jelsa 2005; Paris 2006, 2015 & 2016; Babel Med Music in Marseilles 2008; Gugghinsberg 2008; Philadelphia 2010, 2012 e 2013; New York 2010, 2012 e 2013; New Jersey 2010, 2012 e 2013; San Diego 2013; Salonicco 2013; Manila 2014; Londra 2014, 2015, 2016; Praga 2015, 2016; Madrid 2016). In 2007 they published their first CD “De Migratione” on CPC label. In 2009, under the same label, they published “La rassa a bute”, a musical drama from the early 8th century written by an anonymous author in the dialect of Lecce. The original musical script was lost, so Khaossia composed and recorded original music for it.
In 2010, Khaossia completed their first tour of the USA on the invitation of the General Consulate of Italy in Philadelphia, playing at the prestigious Art Museum of Philadelphia and at the “Fiorello Laguardia” Art School in New York, amongst others.
In 2011, Khaossia began the production of “Le Grechesche”, which was published in 2012 for the University of Salento, CNI and CPC. Invited by the General Consulate of Italy in Philadelphia and sponsored by the Puglia and Lombardy Regional Councils as well as the University of Salento, they toured the US again in April and October 2012, performing in New York and Philadelphia. They performed their new material at the famous Saint Joseph University and other prestigious locations, enjoying a great amount of interest and recognition everywhere.
In 2013, they released their fourth album, EOS, a project based on the story of Salento’s girl Giulia My and the Romanian painter Zivi Miller, a Jew who survived the Nazi concentration camps and spent his rehabilitation in the Salento seaside town of Santa Maria al Bagno. Here he left his murals, which tell his story. The project brings together music, theatre and videoart. The show was premiered in 2013, during Khaossia’s fourth tour of the US, at the San Diego’s Italian Film Festival in California. Eos was subsequently performed at the Seton Hall University in New Jersey and the Saint Joseph University in Philadelphia.
In August 2013, Khaossia were invited by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to deliver a lecture/concert on the subject of “Sea and Music: an intercultural journey across 16th century Italy and Greece”.
In 2014, they opened the prestigious international festival W.A. Mozart of Rovereto, temple of European classical music. Following their success, they return in 2015.
2014 sees them back in Thessaloniki to deliver a lecture to EMUNI students on the subject of: “Project Magellano: genesis of a show inspired by the Report of the first journey around the world by Antonio Pigafetta, knight of Rhodes”.
Thanks to the support of Puglia Sounds and Puglia Region, they tour the Philippines, performing at the prestigious Philippine International Jazz Festival and International Guitar Festival.
Luca Congedo, flute, recorder, tin – whistle and more…
Fabio Turchetti, accordion, composer, singer/songwriter
Vincenzo Urso, voice, tambourine, bouzouki
Giancarlo Picci, actor
Hermes Mangialardo, videomaker & animation designer
Giorgio Galanti, narrator & manager
Mirko Rauso, tambourine
Clio Mallin, manager USA, promoter, dancer
Maurizio Corda, voice and guitar[:el]Khaossia started their career in 2005 wanting to promote Salento’s traditional music, with pizzica at its core. Soon the band moved to produce original pieces. The philosophy behind all of Khaossia’s projects is to begin with Salento’s history, culture and tradition to explore sounds that are old and new, near and far. Through this musical exploration, Khaossia looks for a suitable vehicle to bring back to light dusty and forgotten pages of Salento’s history.
Khaossia has always enjoyed critical acclaim for their efforts to bring back and give a new interpretation to Salento’s history and tradition. Their work as been reviewed, amongst others, by Froots, Folkbulletin, Songlines, Radio Popolare, Radio Onda d’Urto, Radio Rai 3 Suite, Radio Rai1, WFMA, FEBC.
In its 10 years, the ethno ensemble has performed widely both in Italy (La Notte della Taranta 2005; Ponchielli Theatre in Cremona 2006; Appennino Folk Festival 2007, Isola Folk 2007; Festival del Cambonino 2007,2008,2009; Festival Folk Di Cremona, 2010; Fek Festival 2010; V Rassegna di Musica Popolare di Settimo Milanese, 2012; 27° e 28° Festival Internazionale W.A. Mozart, 2014 e 2015; International Festival of Arts, 2015) and abroad (Jelsa 2005; Paris 2006, 2015 & 2016; Babel Med Music in Marseilles 2008; Gugghinsberg 2008; Philadelphia 2010, 2012 e 2013; New York 2010, 2012 e 2013; New Jersey 2010, 2012 e 2013; San Diego 2013; Salonicco 2013; Manila 2014; Londra 2014, 2015, 2016; Praga 2015, 2016; Madrid 2016). In 2007 they published their first CD “De Migratione” on CPC label. In 2009, under the same label, they published “La rassa a bute”, a musical drama from the early 8th century written by an anonymous author in the dialect of Lecce. The original musical script was lost, so Khaossia composed and recorded original music for it.
In 2010, Khaossia completed their first tour of the USA on the invitation of the General Consulate of Italy in Philadelphia, playing at the prestigious Art Museum of Philadelphia and at the “Fiorello Laguardia” Art School in New York, amongst others.
In 2011, Khaossia began the production of “Le Grechesche”, which was published in 2012 for the University of Salento, CNI and CPC. Invited by the General Consulate of Italy in Philadelphia and sponsored by the Puglia and Lombardy Regional Councils as well as the University of Salento, they toured the US again in April and October 2012, performing in New York and Philadelphia. They performed their new material at the famous Saint Joseph University and other prestigious locations, enjoying a great amount of interest and recognition everywhere.
In 2013, they released their fourth album, EOS, a project based on the story of Salento’s girl Giulia My and the Romanian painter Zivi Miller, a Jew who survived the Nazi concentration camps and spent his rehabilitation in the Salento seaside town of Santa Maria al Bagno. Here he left his murals, which tell his story. The project brings together music, theatre and videoart. The show was premiered in 2013, during Khaossia’s fourth tour of the US, at the San Diego’s Italian Film Festival in California. Eos was subsequently performed at the Seton Hall University in New Jersey and the Saint Joseph University in Philadelphia.
In August 2013, Khaossia were invited by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to deliver a lecture/concert on the subject of “Sea and Music: an intercultural journey across 16th century Italy and Greece”.
In 2014, they opened the prestigious international festival W.A. Mozart of Rovereto, temple of European classical music. Following their success, they return in 2015.
2014 sees them back in Thessaloniki to deliver a lecture to EMUNI students on the subject of: “Project Magellano: genesis of a show inspired by the Report of the first journey around the world by Antonio Pigafetta, knight of Rhodes”.
Thanks to the support of Puglia Sounds and Puglia Region, they tour the Philippines, performing at the prestigious Philippine International Jazz Festival and International Guitar Festival.
Luca Congedo, flute, recorder, tin – whistle and more…
Fabio Turchetti, accordion, composer, singer/songwriter
Vincenzo Urso, voice, tambourine, bouzouki
Giancarlo Picci, actor
Hermes Mangialardo, videomaker & animation designer
Giorgio Galanti, narrator & manager
Mirko Rauso, tambourine
Clio Mallin, manager USA, promoter, dancer
Maurizio Corda, voice and guitar[:]